ACFPT ACFPT Australian College of Fitness and Personal Training- WhiteAC


ACFPT Curve Red cert 3 and 4 in fitness





personal trainer

Is it better to run on a Treadmill or Outdoors?

Running is a fantastic exercise that has many benefits which include weight loss, reducing blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol, increasing cardiac output, and improving mood and self-esteem.

While some individuals prefer to get out and about and run outdoors, others prefer to run on the spot, pumps hitting the rubber belt and eyes glued to a screen. So, this week’s newsletter will look at the benefits of both outdoor running and treadmill running.

Benefits of outdoor running

  1. Variety of location. You can check out and experience new places.
  2. As outdoor running is more functional, there are benefits that will translate into daily activities.
  3. Enjoy nature by going outdoors and having a variety of scenic locations and enjoy the change of seasons throughout the year.
  4. Outdoor running is generally more challenging. This will result in you burning more calories as you experience variables such as hills and wind.
  5. It is easier for setting and chasing goals. You might want to increase your running distance or improve your running time, which will be easier to track outdoors with the use of running apps.
  6. Running groups are a great way to meet new people and socialize.
  7. You can create your own routes and explore different parts of your neighbourhood daily.

Benefits of treadmill running

  1. It is easier to control the external environment.
  2. You can monitor and control variables such as speed and incline.
  3. You can stop at any time you wish, which is helpful if you are experiencing pain or discomfort for example.
  4. You can work out while enjoying your favourite shows on Netflix to help the time fly by.
  5. Treadmills are generally softer compared to pavement, which will be nicer on your body and joints.
  6. If you do have safety concerns running outdoors, running on a treadmill will remove these for your peace of mind.
  7. The weather won’t ruin your ability to be able to get your run in.

The differences

The biggest difference between outdoor running and treadmill running is the running technique. When you run on the ground you need to use your glutes and hamstrings more to propel you forward and to overcome factors like wind resistance. On a treadmill, as the belt is moving beneath you, you are effectively just moving in the air in a controlled manner. This means that if you run at the same pace on the treadmill as you do outside on flat pavement, you will expend less energy on the treadmill.

To compensate for the treadmill’s momentum, studies have found that simply raising the treadmill incline to at least 1% will better simulate the energy expenditure of walking or running on flat pavement outdoors. In conclusion, treadmill running offers several convenience and comfort benefits, outdoor running is more physically challenging and therefore provides a better workout.

To complete this week’s newsletter, resistance training really complements the cardio aspect of running. By building stronger leg muscles, you will improve your running technique and muscular endurance for those long runs, be they outdoors or on a treadmill.