Your Future in Fitness Starts Here
Extension and Deferral Policy
The Extension/Deferral Policy was formulated cognizant of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 – Access and Equity provisions (Glossary, Standards for RTOs 2015).
Scope and Application
The policy is applicable to all learners and/or prospective learners of the College. It applies to all requests for extensions or deferral of learners’ course programs.
This policy does not apply to other course program adjustments, including cancellations and withdrawals.
The College’s primary purpose is the provision of quality vocational education and training programs to learners.
To specify the conditions under which the College will apply its Extension/Deferral Policy to respond to learners’ requests for extension of course time or deferral of studies.
The College will apply this policy consistently and fairly across all programs and any learner enrolled into a program at the College.
The College recognises that learners may be impacted by unforeseen circumstances that prevent them from studying for a period of time.
- If a learner needs to defer from their course, they must make a formal application for a deferral to the College administration via the College website including the reasons for the request. Please note the College will not under any circumstances backdate a deferral.
- Learners on a Payment Plan must inform the College of their deferral. Regular payments will continue unless notified.
- Deferral applications should be submitted as early as possible (i.e. as soon as the learner knows they will be unable to study for a period of time).
- Learners must make it clear in their application for deferral, the total amount of time required.
- Learners may defer their studies for a combined maximum of three (3) months*
- Learners will be notified of the approval and their amended course completion date within five (5) working days of the deferral coming into effect.
- All learning accounts of the learner will be suspended for the duration of the deferral period. This means that the learner will not have access to any of their online learning or assessment materials for the duration of the deferral.
- The learner’s access to their accounts will be restored the day after the conclusion of the deferral period.
- Where a learner has commenced work placement, this must cease immediately until after the deferral period has ended as the learner is no longer covered by insurance.
- Where the learner has arranged but not yet commenced work placement, the learner must contact the employer to advise that the start date for the placement will be amended in accordance with the deferral approval.
- Where the learner has completed work placement during an approved deferral period, these hours will not be counted towards the overall work placement hours. This may result in the learner completing additional placement hours to meet the minimum requirement for the qualification.
- Learner’s will be advised via email that their learning accounts have been reactivated.
- Where a learner requires more time, they must purchase an extension to their course duration (see Extensions).
* Where a qualification is in teach out and a request for deferral is received, deferrals will only be granted up to the final date for submission of all completed assessment. Deferral beyond this date may result in extending the term of a learner’s enrolment beyond the teach out date. Regulations do not allow the College to extend the enrolment of learners beyond the approved teach out.
To submit deferral application click here
- The College recognises that learners may be impacted by unforeseen circumstances that prevent them from completing all course requirements in accordance with the specified duration.
- Learners must make a formal application for an extension to the College administration via the College website.
- Extension applications should be submitted as early as possible (i.e. as soon as the learner becomes aware of the need to seek an extension to the duration of their course).
- Learners may request a maximum of two extensions of six (6) months except in the case where a qualification is in teach out.*
- Learners who apply for an extension will be notified of their amended course completion date via email within 5 working days of approval of the request.
- Once the learner has applied for two extensions to their enrolment, no further requests to extend the course duration will be accepted and learners will be required to re-enrol into their course program.
- Applications for extension to the course duration attract an upfront payment fee equal to $299 (per 6-month extension) payable at the time of the request This is a non-refundable fee.
- Application for extension to course payment plans are available. Total payment fee equal to $360 (per 6-month extension) consisting of 11 instalments (upfront payment $60 plus ten ongoing weekly payments $30)
* Where a qualification is in teach out and a request for extension is received less than six (6) months prior to the teach out date, extensions will only be granted up to the final date for submission of all completed assessment. Regulations do not allow the College to extend the enrolment of learners beyond the approved teach out.
To submit an extension application click here
Supporting documentation required – extensions and deferrals
Documentation must be submitted to the College either with the email request or within seven (7) days of sending the email request.
Australian College of Fitness and Personal Training
PO BOX 15367, CITY EAST QLD 4002Registered Training Organisation Number: 45361